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The newPlayhouse Leaders for Peace Programme created a new upskilling Methodology that will meaningfully contribute to enhancing capacities in the area of positive voices for positive change.

The programme involved a series of sessions designed to improve capacities and self-care strategies for individuals working in the peacebuilding arena.

The overall goal is to further empower beneficiaries of peacebuilding projects with the aim of creating strong community peacemakers who can affect and influence positive change from grass roots to government levels domestically and even internationally. To achieve this, the Methodology seeks to tailor directed and meaningful sessions to upskill in areas such as wellbeing, storytelling, confidence, and delivering powerful public contributions.

The Playhouse has worked with Theatre of Witness and Theatre & Peacebuilding Academy participants for them to help shape the Methodology, but crucially also to make it meaningful for them as they engaged with the Methodology under facilitation from specialist consultative individuals in various aspects (such as self-care and storytelling skills).

The Methodology has been created as a reservoir of resources, exploring and sharing best practice in a wide range of approaches and aspects.

We hope that the contents and multi-faceted drive of the training will meaningfully contribute to enhancing capacities in various approaches within the peacebuilding arena – and in terms of exploring the confluence of peacebuilding and art.

For more information or to get involved contact

Funded by Porticus